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Connectivity and Integration

Citadel uses an open technology governed by high interoperability criteria in order to integrate seamlessly into the municipalities' IT ecosystem.


An Open System that Simplifies Data Management

Citadel was developed with a strong emphasis on simplicity of implementation and the ability to easily interface with existing systems used by municipalities. Highly adaptable, the platform allows for the rapid development and integration of external modules and interoperability gateways with third-party systems.

During the Citadel implementation, the digital data at your disposal is efficiently integrated through a flexible, secure and well-documented API, as well as import processes supporting more than 450 file formats and types. Fully integrated with your IT ecosystem, the platform enables the automation of the extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) process of data from a multitude of sources.  

Points Points
En vedette

Citadel offers unparalleled interoperability.

Everything is in Place to Collect your Data.

Citadel facilitates the integration and synchronization of all types of data, regardless of their origin.

API Connection to Third-Party Systems

Citadel provides a secure API to automate the integration of all types of data from any external application, software or business process operating with REST-based web service calls.

It also provides multiple integrations to external APIs to facilitate interaction with other systems.

Importation of Existing Data

Citadel's implementation provides various processes allowing the transformation and import of more than 450 data formats and digital files.

Here are some examples of digital files: Excel and CSV, as well as several GIS formats, such as Google Earth (KML), Shapefile (SHP), FGDB, AutoCAD (CAD), MapInfo (TAB). Several import templates are also available to speed up the process.  

ETL Automation and Synchronization

Citadel allows the implementation of an automated process of data extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) from other systems.

Its high level of interoperability allows for real-time synchronization without duplicating data, thus ensuring a centralized database and up-to-date systems at all times.

Always Remain in Control of your Data.

The data you enter in Citadel is 100% owned by you. You can export them easily, without restrictions and without the intervention of our team. You are thus in full control of your data, and you ensure their continuity in a reliable, secure and accessible system.