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A 4-Step Methodology

Citadel guides municipalities towards 100% digital asset management, from data collection to more informed decision-making.


Benefit from a Scalable Database.

Specifically designed for municipalities, Citadel evolves at the same pace as your organization. It accompanies you through the 4 stages of maturity of your asset management and adapts to your reality, regardless of the current state of your asset inventory and your level of connectivity.

Collect, Access, Plan and Decide.

Citadel takes your organization through 4 stages of maturity to achieve the most efficient asset management.

Step A: Collect and Centralize your Data.

Citadel's preconfiguration and intuitive use allows you to easily create and manage your asset inventory.

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Step B: Access your Data.

Citadel is cloud-based, which allows you to access all your asset information at a glance.

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Step C: Plan your Maintenance Operations.

Citadel's user-friendly interface gives you a 360° view on all your assets, providing a more agile management.

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Step D: Make Informed Decisions.

Citadel empowers you to make confident decisions based on reliable and synthesized data, leaving no guesswork.  

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Gain control of your asset management in just a few clicks.

Highly customizable and easy to use, Citadel is already preconfigured to receive data from the most common assets in the municipal sector. You can add, edit or delete data with a few clicks. Its user-friendly dashboard allows you to see the status of all your assets at a glance.

More than a simple database, Citadel becomes an invaluable tool for the management of your maintenance operations. The risks of contingencies are considerably reduced, your financial forecasts are more accurate and you can make more thoughtful and sustainable decisions. Once acquired, this new proactive management style requires less time and effort than your old ways of doing things.