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Step B: Access your Data.

Citadel is cloud-based, which allows you to access all your asset information at a glance.

Find Information Instantly.

The Citadel platform is a SaaS (software as a service), which means it is hosted on a remote server and not on each of your computers and mobile devices. This technology allows an optimal level of security, a huge storage capacity and an unparalleled accessibility to your data.

Increase efficiency by accessing specific data in seconds, from your office computer, on your phone in the middle of a park, or on a tablet while sitting in your truck. Information is displayed as a map or a list, depending on the search filters applied, such as proximity, name, asset categories, and more.

Centralized data and management.

Access all your territory's data from anywhere, both on a desktop and in the field.

Quick search

Easily find all your assets through intuitive searches, filters and categorizations.

Monitoring and control

Visualize the history and real time values that fluctuate over time (manual or telemetric).

Decision support

Make informed decisions based on reliable data available in different formats.

Citadel allows you to access detailed information on your assets:

  • Exact position,
  • Year of installation, purchase, etc.,
  • Model and serial number,
  • Inspection and maintenance history,
  • List of components,
  • Operation manuals,
  • Plans and specifications
  • Warranty documents,
  • And more.
Points Points
En vedette

Your Citadel database is accessible at any time, from any computer or mobile device.

Follow-up on the Interventions

Citadel lets you track interventions performed on assets, whether it is preventive maintenance, maintenance or repairs.

You can easily create an intervention report giving the details and costs involved. These intervention reports are kept in the asset’s history.

Do you Have Access to All your Data?

When you have easy access to the information you need, you can effectively plan your maintenance operations. This is Step C!

Proceed to Step C