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Step C: Plan your Maintenance Operations Efficiently.

Citadel's user-friendly interface gives you a 360° view on all your assets, providing a more agile management.

Plan your Operations More Effectively.

Your Citadel database provides you with the complete and updated information on all your assets. You can know at a glance the status of your equipment, your buildings, your vehicles or your infrastructure. This complete overview allows you to manage your maintenance operations more proactively.

Increase equipment reliability and availability, make sure you have the necessary parts in stock for maintenance, prevent risks and errors with easy access to maintenance manuals, and avoid reactive work that eats into your financial and human resources.

Work orders

Assign and complete tasks directly in the field with your teams.

Maintenance planning

Efficiently plan preventive and corrective maintenance and interventions.

Actions directly on the map

Take action directly on the map according to the interventions required on your territory.

Citadel gives you a better visibility on the evolution of your assets:

  • Inspections and preventive maintenance to be performed,
  • Insurance renewals,
  • Expired warranties,
  • Breakdowns and defects through service requests,
  • History of renovations and repairs,
  • Full maintenance cycle, from request to report.
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Citadel reduces managers' mental burden by providing them with an accurate picture of the status of all their assets.

Benefit From a More Agile Management.

Citadel saves you from wasting time researching for the total acquisition and ownership costs of your assets.

With a better knowledge of past and planned expenses, you can prioritize your operations based on your available resources. With this increased agility, you are able to deal with unforeseen events and modify your operations according to urgent tasks and those that can be postponed.

Is your Asset Maintenance Up To Date?

Once your maintenance operations management is optimized, you can make informed decisions based on reliable data. This is Step D!

Proceed to Step D