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Step D: Make Well-Informed Decisions.

Citadel empowers you to make confident decisions based on reliable and synthesized data, leaving no guesswork.  

Plan your Management for the Long-Term.

The Citadel database covers the entire life cycle of your assets. You will benefit from more accurate financial forecasts, including upcoming expenses in the coming years. With timely information on the acquisition, maintenance, repair and replacement of your assets, you can significantly reduce the risk of unforeseen events and make more informed and sustainable decisions.

Citadel includes several management indicators and decision support tools to simplify your short, medium and long-term planning. This enables you to make investment decisions that take into account the risks associated with the use of equipment, the condition of a building or the level of service that your infrastructure can provide.

Integrated Google Street View

View your territory's assets remotely as if you were there with the street view.


Make informed decisions with an overview of the metrics and indicators that matter most to you.

Intervention history

Make decisions based on facts and past interventions.

Remaining lifetime ratio

Plan your future replacement budgets based on evidence.

Citadel helps you make good decisions on every level:

  1. Operators
  2. Coordinators
  3. Technical services
  4. Management and administration
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Highly customizable

Citadel helps managers make better decisions based on their reality.

Support your Decisions with Facts.

User-friendly and easy to understand, Citadel's dashboard can be customized for each user, based on their tasks and needs. 

In just a few clicks, you can create reports that summarize the type of information you want. You can support your decisions with facts, charts and graphs.

Are your Decisions More Informed?

When your asset management decisions are based on reliable data, the entire organization becomes more efficient and the gains are visible across the board!

View gains by department